Applications can be written in either English or French.
Multiple proposals on the same theme may be submitted.
For artists wishing to propose a project including their usual chamber music colleagues: the congress will be open to these “collaborating artists” on the day of the performance, but they will be subject to a fee on other congress days (rate B on the ticketing).
By submitting a proposal, you agree to be available at any time between January 19 and 23, 2026. We are unable to accommodate requests for specific scheduling.
The French Viola Society (Société Française de l'alto) does not provide financial assistance (travel, performance fees, daily allowance). We will attempt to find family hosts for students (but cannot guarantee this).
Artists requiring a pianist may bring their own or hire a local pianist from a list provided by the FVS. The FVS will try to provide rehearsal space, but cannot guarantee rehearsal time in actual performance venues due to the complexity of the congress schedule.
All proposals will be evaluated by the proposal selection committee.
You must be a member of your country’s national viola society and be able to prove it to participate in the International Viola Congress. If you do not have a local society, you can register for French Viola Society or International Viola Society's virtual section on the Congress website.
The information submitted in this form will be used for the official congress program.
You must purchase a pass to attend the event, whether you are a participant selected through this form or a free auditor. Several pricing options are available on the Congress ticketing website.
If you have purchased a Pass Tarif B (Student) for the 50th International Viola Congress (January 19–23, 2026), you have the opportunity to participate in a masterclass with a guest soloist.
Due to thecomplex logisticsof the Congress,you must be available for all five days, as we cannot schedule masterclasses on a specific day upon request.
Since theavailable masterclass time is limited, a committee will meet toselect participants.